

2020/08/30 23:20


申报类别:工程实例 - 设计类·公共景观 - 市政景观
关键词:盐田 / 海滨栈道 / 公共基础设施 / 灾后重建

大梅沙西段鸟瞰 Aerial view of Dameisha West Zone

俯瞰三种出行体验(车道,自行车道和人行道)。设计确保了交叉点之间的上下层串联,保证了节点之间的连接性。 A top view of how three types of transportation experiences are differentiated. Bottom-to-top pathways are added at intersections to ensure the connection between nodes to nodes.


盐田滨海绿道,西起中英街古塔公园,东至背揹仔角,总长度约为19.5公里。2018年,200年一遇的超强台风山竹席卷盐田区,对滨海栈道造成了不同程度的破坏:其中海鲜街、大小梅沙段破坏严重。深圳的台风登陆路径多年次数为1.5次,海岸线未来将面临持续的生态脆弱性问题。 受深圳市盐田区工务署和华润置地城市运营(深圳)有限公司的委托,香港译地、深圳蕾奥和中交水运联合体的多专业团队将本次修复和重建视为重塑盐田海岸线乃至盐田区的机遇,因此将整个盐田区纳入研究范围。将自然灾害造成的生态(环境)和人文(记忆)方面的影响与城市发展相联系。通过构建锚点、贯通、激活、生态与防灾的设计理念,将盐田滨海绿道打造成为串联盐田独有的山海城港空间格局,滨海城市空间活力纽带。 Yantian Waterfront Boardwalk, which starts from Zhongying Street Guta Park in the west to Beizaijiao area in the east, has a total length of about 19.5 kilometers. It suffered a 200-year typhoon Mangkhut in 2018, which caused varying degrees of damage. Among them, Seafood Street ,Dameisha and Xiaomeisha area was seriously damaged. The number of typhoon landing paths in Shenzhen is 1.5 times in many years, and the coastline will face continuous ecological vulnerability in the future. Entrusted by Yantian District Public Works Bureau and China Resources (Shenzhen) Limited, a multi-professional team from ELANDSCRIPT, Lay-out and PDIWT treat this restoration and reconstruction as an opportunity to reshape the Yantian coastline and even the Yantian District. Therefore, the entire Yantian District is included in the research scope. To build connections between the ecological (environment) as well as humanistic impact (memory) caused by natural disasters with urban development. Through the establishment of anchors, connections, activation, ecology, and resilience, the design aims to build Yantian Coastal Greenway into a coastal urban space bond.


盐田滨海栈道的重建,提供了重新连接盐田海岸线的机会,设计通过四大策略:增设锚点、海岸贯通、岸线激活、生态强化和防灾,将盐田海滨栈道打造成为世界级的海滨打卡地标。 19.5公里滨海绿道贯通: 新建绿道采用因地制宜的选线原则并保证全线无障碍贯通,提高自行车和步行可达性,强化与地铁等公共交通的衔接,鼓励游客以更绿色的方式体验盐田。 新增服务设施: 沿线增设大梅沙驿站、小梅沙驿站、揹仔角驿站等图书馆驿站。新增公共厕所、售货亭、咖啡厅及停车位,屋顶平台可供俯瞰梅沙湾。 丰富游览体验: 沿栈道端点增设山竹记忆、观岩苏尔、梅沙听浪平台、情人海角平台、望夫海角等海角平台,提升观景体验,绽放海滨魅力。 低干扰防灾栈道: 相较于旧的栈道体系,新的海滨栈道,采用模块化的设计进一步增强栈道的安全。栈道的选线效法自然,布置在海岸的干湿分隔线上,局部采用更贴近自然的礁石步道做法。 大梅沙西段:活力海岸 大梅沙栈道竖向串联车行、人行及绿道,串联丰富活动节点(山竹记忆、观岩苏尔等)。 海鲜街段:可跑可骑的防灾生命线 海鲜街海滨栈道的重建,预留200年防洪标高进行规划设计,海鲜街区域的抗灾能力得到了显著提升。通过加固基础和增设抛石,提供不同高差的亲水和抬高的观景平台。 Project statement The reconstruction of Yantian waterfront boardwalk provides an opportunity to reconnect the Yantian coastline. Four major strategies: Add anchor points, Re-connect coastalline, Activate Coastline, Strengthen Ecology and Resilience, and the Yantian waterfront boardwalk has been built into a world-class seaside check-in landmark. Re-Connect 19.5km Greenway: The newly-built greenway according the local conditions to select the route and guarantees the barrier-free connection of the whole line, improves the accessibility of bicycles and walks, strengthens the connection with the subway and other public transportation, and encourages tourists to experience the Yantian seaside style in a greener way. New Service Station: Alone the greenway to add Dameisha Library, Xiaomeisha Library and Beizaijiao Library. By adding public toilet, Kiosk, Café, and parking space to increase public services. Visitors can also access the roof deck to overview the Meisha Bay. Activate Coastline: Add Shanzhu Memory Sur., Cove Sur.,Meisha Wave Platform, Qingren Ocean platform and Ocean Sur. along the waterfront boardwalk to enhance the viewing experience and bloom the charm of the seaside. Strengthen Ecology and Resilience: Compared with the old system, the new waterfront boardwalk uses the modular design further enhances the safety of the walkway system. The route selection of the walkway follows a natural pattern and is arranged on the wet-and-dry separation line of the coast, and partial of the system applies the reef trail approach that is closer to nature. Dameisha West Zone:Vibrant Coast Dameisha boardwalk connect upper and lower levels (differentiation of roadways, bicycle lanes, and pedestrian pathways), and enrichment of activities (which includes Shanzhu Sur, Cove Sur, etc.), improving the accessibility and coastal vibrant. Seafood Street Zone:Disaster Prevention Lifeline The reconstruction of Seafood street boardwalk has reserved 200 years of flooding level for planning and design, and the disaster resistance capacity of the seafood street area has been significantly improved. By strengthening the foundation and adding ripraps, we provide hydrophilic and elevated viewing platforms with different elevations.

总平面图 Master plan

盐田滨海绿道,西起中英街古塔公园,东至背揹仔角,总长度约为19.5公里。设计包含西港区、中港区绿道贯通,海鲜街、大梅沙、小梅沙栈道重建及揹仔角现状修复。 Yantian Waterfront Boardwalk, which starts from Zhongying Street Guta Park in the west to Beizaijiao area in the east, has a total length of about 19.5 kilometers. The design includes re-connect greenway of Middle habour and West harbor area, the reconstruction of the seafood street, Dameisha and Xiaomeisha boardwalk, and the restoration of the Beizijiao waterfront.

绿道贯通 Barrier Free Greenway

俯瞰自行车道及气象花园 Overview of the Bicycle Lane and Atmosphere Garden.

绿道贯通 Barrier Free Greenway

滨海自行车道,引入了可渗透的材料和太阳能灯具。 Waterfront bicycle lane introducing permeable material and solar energy lighting.

大梅沙图书馆驿站 Dameisha Library

大梅沙图书馆作为服务驿站,意在为居民和访客提供休息座椅、自行车停车处、信息导航标识和完善入口及横竖向连接。 Dameisha library as service center is intended to provide citizens and visitors with resting seats, bicycle parking, information navigation signs, and en-trances that improve both horizontal and vertical connections.

大梅沙图书馆驿站 Dameisha Library

将大梅沙驿站屋顶打造成远眺梅沙湾的休憩及观景平台 Design an accessible rooftop space for visitors to rest and overlook the whole Meisha Bay.

大梅沙西段 / 山竹记忆 Dameisha West Zone / Shanzhu Memory Sur.

山竹记忆平台基于山竹台风灾后遗留,增设悬挑金属栈道,让人们能更近距离亲海,成为大梅沙西段人气打卡地。 The Shanzhu Memory Sur. is based on the remnants of the Typhoon Mangkhut disaster. The overhanging metal mesh boardwaok has been added to allow people to get closer to the sea, making it a popular check-in place in the Dameisha west zone.

大梅沙西段 / 山竹记忆 Dameisha West Zone / Shanzhu Memory Sur.

打造双层栈道平台可坐可站可靠。 Create a double-layer platform that can sit and stand.

大梅沙栈道 Dameisha Boardwalk

太阳能栈道栏杆满足了日落及夜间人行的需要,并且巧妙地解决了滨海项目中电线的安全和成本问题。 The solar energy boardwalk railings are used to meet the people walking in the sunset and at night, which skillfully solves the safety and cost issues of the wire lines in the coastal project.

大梅沙栈道 Dameisha Boardwalk

选取植物分界线设置低干扰的悬挑栈道,局部利用天然礁石塑造礁石栈道,为访客及市民带来绝佳滨海观景体验。 Select the plant dividing line to set up a low-disturbed cantilevered boardwalk, partially use natural reefs to shape rock walkway to bring visitors and citizens an excellent coastal viewing experience.

海鲜街鸟瞰 Aerial view of Seafood Street

海鲜街是盐田人气景点,山竹台风对海鲜街栈道损毁严重。通过增设灌注桩、显著提升区域的抗灾害能力;强化入口、拓宽步行空间、增设休憩区,重新激活海滨,让人们在享受美食的同时饱览滨海盛景。 Seafood Street is a popular attraction in Yantian. Typhoon Mangkhut severely damaged the boardwalk. Through the restoration and reinforcement of boardwalk and seawalls, the addition of cast-in-place piles has significantly improved the area disaster resistance; strengthen entrances, widened walkway, and adding rest areas to reactivate the seaside, allowing people to enjoy the food while enjoying the splendid seaside scenery.

海鲜街 Seafood Street

在海鲜街海滨栈道可感受到港口绝佳景观。 Seafood street boardwalk provides spectacular views of the harbor

海鲜街 Seafood Street

海鲜街海滨栈道划分出人行及自行车道,打造贯通连续的海滨慢行体验,同时增设丰富多元的海滨休憩空间。 Seafood Street boardwalk is divided into pedestrian and bicycle lanes, creating a continuous seaside slow-traffice experience, and at the same time adding a rich and diverse seaside recreation space.

海鲜街 Seafood Street

双层的滨水休憩平台提供不同的观景体验。 The double-layer waterfront recreation platform provides different viewing experiences.

海鲜街 Seafood Street

海鲜街栈道的重建和加固保证了行人的安全,同时打造独具雕塑感的混凝土栈道边界。 The reconstruction and reinforcement of the seaside elevated walkway ensure the safety of pedestrians. Create concret sculptural edge.


盐田海滨栈道重建工程项目,西起中英街古塔公园,东至揹仔角,总长度约19.5公里。2018年,超强台风“山竹”对深圳盐田海滨造成了严重破坏。设计团队将本次重建视为重新思考盐田海岸线,乃至整个盐田的一次机遇,通过构建锚点、贯通、激活、生态与防灾的设计理念,建立可持续的世界级的海滨目的地。 Yantian Waterfront Boardwalk, which starts from Zhongying Street Guta Park in the west to Beizaijiao area in the east, has a total length of about 19.5 kilometers. It suffered a super typhoon Mangkhut in 2018, which caused serious damage to the Shenzhen Yantian coastal. Design team regards this 19.5-kilometer waterfront boardwalk reconstruction as an opportunity to rethink the Yantian coastline and even the entire Yantian. Through the adding anchor points, re-connecting coastal line, activating coastline, and strengthen ecology and resilience, the design aims to established a sustainable world-class seaside destination.




栈道栏杆采用太阳能栏杆满足了日落及夜间人行的需要,并且巧妙地解决了滨海项目中电线的安全和成本问题。 The solar energy boardwalk railings are used to meet the people walking in the sunset and at night, which skillfully solves the safety and cost issues of the wire lines in the coastal project.




