2020/08/14 14:26浏览量
增加公益性用地以及减小道路转弯半径来提升街区的生活环境品质。 1.对原有控规进行适当调整,在保证原有绿地面积不减少的原则下建构城市绿地网络。规划范围内的城市绿地面积由 12.13公顷提升到了13.80公顷; 2.完善规划范围内的公共服务设施,公共服务设施用地面积由8.20公顷增加到了15.87公顷; 3.控规中在保持道路中心位置不变的情况下,适当减小了原有控规转弯半径,这样既提高了道路步行友好性也从道路 面积中释放了大量用地面积
创智综合体位于历史漫步走廊西端,毗邻小洸河滨水景观带, 内部布置多种业态功能,包括创智办公、创智公寓、零售商 业街、社区运动公园、技术学校等。 Chuangzhi City is located at the western of the historical walking corridor, adjacent to the Xiaoguang River waterfront landscape belt, and is equipped with a variety of business functions, including Chuangzhi office, Chuangzhi apartment,food commercial street, community sports park and technical school.
欢乐水岸未来将成为济宁市民的会客厅,内设置环形休闲游览 路径,融合品质水街,洸河会议展示、滨水风情餐饮、运动公 园、滨水酒店等功能于一体。 In the future, the Huanle waterfront will become the living room of Jining's citizens. It will set up a circular leisure tour path, focusing on the interior quality street, which is a the joyful nodes integrating the functions of the GuangheRiver Conference, waterfront dining, sports park and waterfront hotel
历史漫步走廊是街区中重要的东西向轴线,联通东端的大运河总督署博 物馆以及西端的夏桥文化公园。历史漫步走廊功能区分明确,漫步走廊 由二层的文化创新走廊与地面的景观漫步走廊共同组成,使得办公人群 与休憩人群在空间上互不干扰。 The historical walking corridor is an important east-west axis in the block, the Dayunhezongdushumuseum and Xiaqiao Cultural Park at the east. The functions of the historical walking corridor are clearly defined. The walking corridor consists of a two-level cultural innovation corridor and a ground-walking corridor on the ground, so that the office crowd and the restless people do not interfere with each other in space.
历史漫步走廊是街区中重要的东西向轴线,联通东端的大运河总督署博 物馆以及西端的夏桥文化公园。历史漫步走廊功能区分明确,漫步走廊 由二层的文化创新走廊与地面的景观漫步走廊共同组成,使得办公人群 与休憩人群在空间上互不干扰。 The historical walking corridor is an important east-west axis in the block, the Dayunhezongdushumuseum and Xiaqiao Cultural Park at the east. The functions of the historical walking corridor are clearly defined. The walking corridor consists of a two-level cultural innovation corridor and a ground-walking corridor on the ground, so that the office crowd and the restless people do not interfere with each other in space.
大运河文化创意集群是街区中的地标型建筑,建筑形如凤巢, 寓意引凤入巢,希望可以不断的吸引文化创意型人才入住办 公。其主要功能主要为创意办公、兼具交往社交、时尚运动 等功能。 The Grand Canal Cultural and Creative Cluster is a landmark building in the block. The building is shaped like a phoenix nest, which means attracting talents , hoping to attract cultural and creative talents to stay in. Its main functions are mainly creative office, social interaction, fashion and other functions.
济宁东方驿站及大运河创意集群位于长廊中段,是街 区中功能最为多元复合的地标建筑群体,以文化创意 孵化以及商务办公功能为主,兼具展示、高端人才公 寓、品牌酒店、特色美食店、创意零售等业态功能。 The Jining Dongfang Station and the Grand Canal Creative Town are located in the middle of the walkway. It is the most multi-functional landmark architectural complex in the block. It is mainly composed of cultural creativity incubation ,business and office functions. It also has display, high-end talent apartments, brand hotels and specialty food stores , creativeretail and other functions.
济宁新天地对标成都太古里,新天地毗邻大运河总督署博物馆, 群体风貌与博物馆相契合,内部布置时尚步行街区,新天地包 括品牌展览、超级市场、精品购物、潮牌街区、创意甜品体验 店、旋转餐厅、特色产品展销、诚品书店、大运河商业文化展 示等业态,未来新天地将成为济宁的场所IP Jining Xintiandi is contrasted in TaiguLi, Chengdu, adjacent to the Dayunhe Zong Dushu museum ,which space style is very characteristic and it has a fashion pedestrian street including brand exhibition, supermarket, boutique shopping,fashion block, creative dessert experience store, rotating restaurant, special Product exhibition, Chengpin Bookstore, the Grand Canal commercial culture display and other formats. In the future it will become the venue IP of Jining