

2020/08/13 17:45


设计成员:章翼 向阳 张晔 杨丹丹 郁琪 吴蓓莉 刘明空
申报类别:工程实例 - 设计类·私权景观 - 地产景观·示范区
委托单位:鲁鸿地产 世纪泰华 联合开发

10第二进空间 水景与建筑交相辉映 实景照

建筑的“形”与“影”在水中自然交错重叠。平静时,建筑似漂浮于水面之上,成为了水面的景观节点;若泛起涟漪,建筑的倒影在水中影影绰绰,成为整个场所里最为生动的光景。 The “shape” and “shadow” of the building are naturally interlaced in the water. When the water surface is placid, the building seems to float above the surface and become a landscape node of the surface; when it ripples, the indistinct reflection of the building will be the most vivid scene of the whole place.


山东潍坊地处鲁中平原腹地, 气候温和, 物产丰富, 自古就有“通工商之业, 便渔盐之利”的赞誉。受齐鲁文化的哺育, 文化事业比较发达, 尤明清以来经济繁荣, 富商、地主、官僚经营宅园成风, 著名的有16 座, 其中十笏园最负盛名。 本案坐落虞河上游,虞河两岸一线踱步可享。设计采用现代风格,极简的手法及纯粹的材质表达呈现出精致雅奢的视觉体验,同时建筑与景观一体化设计,对话自然,品味自然。


项目静隐山间,源水而居,依托虞河公园的自然景观资源,在快节奏的城市生活中,我们试图寻找一处真正能亲近自然的幽静居所。汲取《兰亭集序》中寄情山水的文人情怀,我们竭力勾勒“不城郭而获山水之怡,身居闹市而有林泉之致”的闲逸文士生活。 景观设计将北侧入口空间界定为城市展示界面,需要在回避场地外的不利条件的同时,解决销售期间的停车、下客、接待等功能。为了更好的与建筑尺度相匹配,入口的序列景墙以及核心主门头采用大尺度,高对比度,扁平化的设计,将建筑的“形象”外延,通过景墙和雨棚构成空间,真正地将建筑、景观、室内融为一体,共同营造空间的流动感,品质感和归属感。 穿越第一进空间,白色的抄手廊与黑色砾石构成的地面形成了剧烈反差,而绿色的种植作为中间调调和这种对比关系,光像一曲乐章,串联着整个空间。 由门窗框住的景观随时间而变化,光影映照在墙面上,形成一种虚拟的空间交换方式,时空仿佛因此而凝结。正是通过这种隐喻的表达,对人的心境产生影响,使人们内心获得一种自我冥想式的哲学思考。 穿过廊架,豁然开朗,整个中庭营造了一个极为空寂、简洁、纯净的空间,所有的生机通过光影展现:建筑和远处的树,随着从晨到昏的时间变化,交织的光影在院墙和水面上作画,整个庭院犹如一幅持续变化着的泼墨山水画。 建筑的“形”与“影”在水中自然交错重叠。平静时,建筑似漂浮于水面之上,成为了水面的景观节点;若泛起涟漪,建筑的倒影在水中影影绰绰,成为整个场所里最为生动的光景。 简版:中国自古便有“天地至简”的居住美意,现代景观就好似一件大型的艺术品,经过长时间的实践与探索,以线、面、体的结合实现了“极简美学”。纯粹的几何形态,大面积的留白写意,是本案的主要设计元素。抽取十笏园空间格局为骨架,对装饰符号删繁就简,不偏不倚地凝就出安稳与动态的平衡关系,营造纯美的现代东方哲学。 Since ancient times, China has had the living aesthetics of “the simplest world”. The modern landscape is like a large-scale artwork. After a long period of practice and exploration, it has realized “minimal aesthetics” with the combination of lines, surfaces and volumes. Pure geometric form and large blank area become the main elements of Lantingxu. We take the spatial layout of the Shihu Garden as a framework, reduce decorative symbols, and establish the balance between stability and dynamics, presenting the pure and beautiful modern oriental philosophy. 我们通过三重空间,层次递进地表现东方礼序与美学,体验北方的稳静,江南的精致。 With the three-layered space, we progressively express the oriental ritual and aesthetics, enable residents to experience the tranquility of North China and the exquisiteness of the south region.


“此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹,又有清流激湍,映带左右,引以为流觞曲水,列坐其次。虽无丝竹管弦之盛,一觞一咏,亦足以畅叙幽情。”山东潍坊地处鲁中平原腹地, 气候温和, 物产丰富, 自古就有“通工商之业, 便渔盐之利”的赞誉。受齐鲁文化的哺育, 文化事业比较发达, 尤明清以来经济繁荣, 富商、地主、官僚经营宅园成风, 著名的有16 座, 其中十笏园最负盛名。本案坐落虞河上游,虞河两岸一线踱步可享。设计采用现代风格,极简的手法及纯粹的材质表达呈现出精致雅奢的视觉体验,同时建筑与景观一体化设计,对话自然,品味自然。

1第一进空间 城市界面实景照

景观设计将北侧入口空间界定为城市展示界面,需要在回避场地外的不利条件的同时,解决销售期间的停车、下客、接待等功能。为了更好的与建筑尺度相匹配,入口的序列景墙以及核心主门头采用大尺度,高对比度,扁平化的设计,将建筑的“形象”外延,通过景墙和雨棚构成空间,真正地将建筑、景观、室内融为一体,共同营造空间的流动感,品质感和归属感。 The landscape design defines the north entrance space as the city display interface. We need to offer parking, drop-off, reception and other functions during the sales period while avoiding disadvantages outside the venue. In order to better match the architectural scale, we adopt large-scale, high-contrast, flat design for the entrance wall and the main core signboard, extending the “image” of the building and forming a space with the wall and the canopy, so the building, landscape and interior space are integrated to create a sense of spatial flow, quality and belonging.

2第一进空间 城市界面实景照

3穿越门廊进入第二进空间 实景照

穿越第一进空间,白色的抄手廊与黑色砾石构成的地面形成了剧烈反差,而绿色的种植作为中间调调和这种对比关系,光像一曲乐章,串联着整个空间。 After walking through the first layer space, the white verandah corridor and the black gravel make a sharp contrast, and green plants serve as the middle tone to harmonize the contrast, while sunlight is like music to connect the entire space.

4从连廊回望门楼 实景照

5第二进空间 转场空间枯山水 实景照

由门窗框住的景观随时间而变化,光影映照在墙面上,形成一种虚拟的空间交换方式,时空仿佛因此而凝结。正是通过这种隐喻的表达,对人的心境产生影响,使人们内心获得一种自我冥想式的哲学思考。 The landscape framed by the doors and windows changes with time, and the light and shadow are reflected on the wall, offering a way of virtual space swapping, and the time and space seem to stay still. Such metaphorical expression can influence people's mood and enables people to obtain a kind of self-meditative philosophical thinking.

6第二进空间 抄手连廊 实景照

兰亭序的景观呈现中,采用了高级“中国灰”的色彩植入。取自黛瓦白墙的传统建筑蓝本,通过将屋檐深灰色系与白墙结合,金色局部镶边点缀,让不同材质不断碰撞,带来沉静、舒适的视觉感受,仿佛任何喜怒无常,都被调抚得静谧。这既是一种现代设计的度,亦是东方意境的起始。王国维所说“一切景语皆情语”,在这里,所有自然从未如此“自然”。 In the landscape design of Lantingxu, the upscale “Chinese grey” is used. Inspired by the traditional architectural model of black tiles and white walls, we design dark grey eaves, white walls and gold edges to form a contrast and bring a tranquil and comfortable visual experience, as if any person of capricious moods can be calmed down. This is not only a degree of modern design, but also the beginning of the oriental artistic conception. Wang Guowei said that “all the scenery language is honeyed words,” and here, all nature has never been so “natural.”

7第二进空间 抄手连廊 实景照

抄手廊界定出整个场地的界限,空间转折清晰而简洁。 The verandah corridor defines the boundaries of the entire site, making the space transition clear and concise.

8第二进空间 美国红枫树阵 实景照

穿过廊架,豁然开朗,整个中庭营造了一个极为空寂、简洁、纯净的空间,所有的生机通过光影展现:建筑和远处的树,随着从晨到昏的时间变化,交织的光影在院墙和水面上作画,整个庭院犹如一幅持续变化着的泼墨山水画。 An open space is before you after you walk through the corridor. The entire middle yard creates a space that is extremely empty, simple and pure. All the vitality is revealed through light and shadow: the building and the trees in the distance, with the change of time from morning to dusk, the intertwined light and shadow are reflected on the courtyard wall and the water surface, the whole courtyard is like a constantly changing landscape ink painting.

9第二进空间 水景、树阵与U玻墙 实景照 交织的光影在院墙和水面上作画

大尺度的静面水景在雾境中溢出,舒缓雅趣。长条简洁透光U玻墙面如白玉,将视线引向营销中心入口。整个空间去除一切形式元素,只为营造极简东方美学意境。 Large areas of static waterscape is seen amid fog, showing peace and elegance. The long and simple transparent U-glass wall is like white jade and attracts people’s attention to the entrance of the marketing center. The entire space removes all form elements, only creates the simplest oriental aesthetics.

11第二进空间 建筑洽谈区与水面关系 实景照

静坐洽谈,感受着宁静的美好岁月、时间的流光浮影,你所追慕的闲雅生活,此时,彼岸已成此岸。 Sit quietly and talk with others, feel the peaceful days and the passage of time, this is the leisure life you are pursuing.

12水景与建筑 实景照

13水景与建筑 实景照

14水景与建筑 实景照


用地面积 | 8600M2(社区体验中心)
