

2023/04/28 02:04


申报类别:方案设计 - 规划类

第1部分:2023-2-《美丽乡村再设计》- 附图1 中国沙漠化和沙漠与乡村现状及沙漠治理方案

第1部分:2023-2-《美丽乡村再设计》- 附图1 中国沙漠化和沙漠与乡村现状及沙漠治理方案 Part 1: 2023-2- "Redesign of Beautiful Countryside" - Attached Figure 1: Current Situation of Desertification, Deserts, and Rural Areas in China and Desert control plan 以时代为背景阻击沙漠化蔓延的《美丽乡村再设计》规划项目,是利用人们的粪便、家禽牲畜的粪便等排泄物,生成有机微生物肥料,在中国西部绿地与沙漠边沿接触地带,实施沙漠颗粒的分化成为适合微生物生长的沙土,阻击沙漠化的蔓延,促进生态的恢复,恢复美丽的乡村。 主题词:沙漠,微生物,有机肥料,生态恢复,乡村再设计 沙漠治理方案:沙漠颗粒 + 微生物 + 空气水分 = 微生物沙土→青苔→绿化→恢复生态→保护环境 The "Beautiful Rural Redesign" planning project, which takes the era as the background to combat the spread of desertification, is to use human excrement, poultry and livestock excrement, and other excrement to generate organic microbial fertilizers. In the contact zone between green spaces and desert edges in western China, the differentiation of desert particles into suitable sand soil for microbial growth is implemented to prevent the spread of desertification, promote ecological restoration, and restore beautiful rural areas. Keywords: desert, microorganisms, organic fertilizers, ecological restoration, rural redesign Desert governance plan: Desert particles +microorganisms+ air moisture=microbial sand soil→moss→greening→ecological restoration →environmental protection 沙漠治理技术方案:Desert control technology plan: 1. 沙漠治理主要因素: ①微生物+②水。世界上有些沙漠是不缺水的,但是依然是沙漠,主要原因是,水质较为干净,沙质太纯洁。 The main factors for desert management are: 1. microorganisms, 2. water. Some deserts in the world do not lack water, but they are still deserts, mainly because the water quality is relatively clean and the sand quality is too pure. 2. 沙漠治理方案: 沙漠颗粒 + 微生物 + 水分 = 微生物沙土→青苔→绿化→恢复生态→保护环境 Desert governance plan: Desert particles + microorganisms + water = microbial sand soil→moss →greening → ecological restoration → environmental protection 3. 微生物的获取: 利用微生物腐蚀、侵蚀沙漠颗粒,使沙漠颗粒产生物理化学反应,分化演变成带有微生物的沙土,而沙土相对沙粒则更适合微生物的生长,微生物可以进一步吸收空气中的水分促进微生物的生长,而由沙粒分化成的沙土具有多孔缝隙结构,形成微细毛细管结构也适合吸收储存部分水分,供微生物生长,随风而来或主动播种的草籽等植物种子可以在这样具有微生物和微细毛细管结构的沙土里生长,形成潜在的绿色植被,根据当地自然生长环境,可以种植根系较深、适合盐碱、耐寒的低矮草本和木本植物,以便稳固沙土,保持水分和微生物。在人们的干预下,形成良性生态循环,促进生态的恢复发展,恢复美丽的绿色家园。 如何获得微生物? 来到“美丽乡村”的学习者、旅游者需要在村里参观学习、参加劳动,还需要休息和生活。家禽与牲畜等产生的粪便排泄物是重要的天然肥料来源。而人们的大小便排泄物在化粪池里除了生成沼气可供生火做饭外,还可以生成有机肥料。这些肥料与草籽、炭灰(做饭后的)等合理搭配混合,形成有机肥料。人们的生活垃圾进行粉碎后可以作为肥料的膨松参合物,提供微生物生长所需的吸水毛细管。人们的物质垃圾进行分类整理可以作为沙漠颗粒分化的遮阳物,提供一定的阴凉形成温差,吸收空气中的水分,提供给微生物。 Microbial acquisition: Utilizing microorganisms to corrode and erode desert particles, causing them to undergo physical and chemical reactions and differentiate into sandy soil with microorganisms. Compared to sand particles, sandy soil is more suitable for microbial growth. Microorganisms can further absorb water in the air and promote microbial growth. The sandy soil differentiated from sand particles has a porous gap structure, forming a micro capillary structure that is also suitable for absorbing and storing some water, Grass seeds and other plant seeds that are suitable for microbial growth and come with the wind or are actively sown can grow in such sandy soil with microorganisms and micro capillary structures, forming potential green vegetation. According to the local natural growth environment, low grass and woody plants with deep roots, suitable for saline alkali and cold resistance can be planted to stabilize the sand and maintain water and microorganisms. Under people's intervention, a virtuous ecological cycle is formed, promoting ecological restoration and development, and restoring a beautiful green home. How to obtain microorganisms? Learners and tourists who come to the "beautiful countryside" need to visit, study, participate in labor, and rest and live in the village. The feces and excrement produced by poultry and livestock are important natural sources of fertilizers. In septic tank, people's feces and urine can not only generate biogas for cooking, but also generate organic fertilizer. These fertilizers are reasonably mixed with grass seeds, charcoal ash (after cooking), etc. to form organic fertilizers. After crushing people's household waste, it can be used as a bulky compound for fertilizers, providing the water absorbing capillaries required for microbial growth. The classification and organization of people's material waste can serve as a sunshade for the differentiation of desert particles, providing a certain amount of shade to form a temperature difference, absorbing moisture from the air, and providing it to microorganisms. 4. 水的获取: 除地下水源外,利用空气中的水分进行无动力凝结、储集等技术,可以形成一定量的自然水源,利用渗灌技术可以供给微生物的生长,促进绿地植被的生长和恢复。这项技术本课题组已获得初步实验成功。 Water acquisition: In addition to underground water sources, technologies such as non dynamic condensation and storage of water in the air can form a certain amount of natural water source. The use of infiltration irrigation technology can supply the growth of microorganisms and promote the growth and restoration of green vegetation. This technology has achieved preliminary experimental success in our research group.


以时代为背景阻击沙漠化蔓延的《美丽乡村再设计》规划项目,是利用牲畜、家禽和人们的粪便排泄物等,生成有机微生物肥料,在中国西部绿地与沙漠边沿的接触地带,实施沙漠颗粒的分化成为适合微生物生长的沙土,进行绿化,阻击沙漠化的蔓延,促进生态的恢复,恢复美丽的乡村。 获得微生物的步骤: 1.将沙漠化地区的各个村落按照历史年代进行划分,进行跨时代溯源再现设计,从原始社会、… …唐、宋、… …、明、清、中华民国、新中国,再到未来世界星际旅行等,赋予各个不同的村落。 2.欢迎各地中小学生、旅游参观者到时代村进行“历史、地理、生态保护”等方面的实践教学和交流。 3.利用空气凝水和地下水解决水资源问题,开展沙漠化土地绿化。还可以促进当地文化、考古、历史、民俗、服饰、饮食等方面的和谐发展。 The "Beautiful Rural Redesign" planning project, which takes the era as the background to combat the spread of desertification, is to use the feces and excrement of livestock, poultry, and people to generate organic microbial fertilizers. In the contact zone between green spaces and desert edges in western China, the differentiation of desert particles into sandy soil suitable for microbial growth is implemented for greening, to prevent the spread of desertification, promote ecological restoration, and restore beautiful rural areas. Steps to obtain microorganisms: 1. Divide the villages in the desertification area according to the historical age, and carry out cross era tracing and redesign. From Primitive Society to today and then to the future. Assign different historical periods to different villages. 2. Welcome primary and secondary school students and tourism visitors from all over the world to come to Times Village for practical teaching and exchange on "history, geography, biology, ecological protection" and other aspects. 3. Utilize air condensation and groundwater to solve water resource problems and carry out desertification land greening.

第2部分:2023-2-《美丽乡村再设计》- 附图2 300 万年前 原始社会

第2部分:2023-2-《美丽乡村再设计》- 附图2 300 万年前 原始社会 Part 2: 2023-2 - Beautiful Village Redesign - Attached Figure 2 Primitive Society 3 million years ago 具体来说,每个村根据被授予的年代号进行跨时代追溯溯源再现设计。 例如1号村,被授予为原始社会展示村,则在村口设立原始社会的石碑和牌楼,在村子的周边按照自然保护区的方式将自然景观用护栏围拢起来,建立乡镇级自然保护区。选择丘陵地带,以自然生态方式散落种植树木、灌木、野生蔬菜、绿色植被等;饲养一些家禽、猫狗等小动物;搭建原始人居住的茅草屋,布置一些捕杀猎物的长矛、短箭、石斧、棍棒等工具。园区外围,标识“游人不得进入”等标牌,游人只能在外部用望远镜观看,或乘坐封闭式微型小火车进园参观浏览。初步建立乡镇级自然保护区,逐步完善。 Specifically, each village conducts cross generational traceability and reproduction design based on the given era number. For example, Village 1, awarded as the Primitive Society exhibition village, will set up Primitive Society stone tablets and Memorial archways at the entrance of the village, and surround the natural landscape with guardrails in the way of a nature reserve around the village to establish a township level nature reserve. Choose hilly areas and plant trees, shrubs, wild vegetables, green vegetation, etc. in a natural ecological manner; Raise some small animals such as poultry, cats and dogs; Build thatched houses inhabited by primitive people, and equip them with tools such as spears, short arrows, stone axes, and sticks to hunt and kill prey. On the outskirts of the park, signs such as "Visitors are not allowed to enter" are displayed. Visitors can only watch through telescopes or take a closed mini train to visit and browse the park. Establish preliminary township level nature reserves and gradually improve them. 例如14号村,被授予为唐朝村,则在村口设立唐朝的石碑和雕梁画栋古色古香的牌楼,村里的房屋按照唐朝的建筑风格修缮门牌,初期先修缮门牌、门庭,根据条件以后再逐步修缮房屋。街道店铺按照唐朝风格进行布置,有餐馆、花店、书店、学堂、文房四宝字画店、食品店、中药店、杂货铺、手工艺品店、唐朝服饰店、客栈(旅店)、衙门(县法院)等店铺和部门,还有走街串巷的货郎(当地片警巡警扮演),小吃、剃头、修鞋、杂艺等摊位。人们按照唐朝的服饰着装,包括衣食住行等进行全方位再现布置设计。 For example, when No. 14 Village was awarded the title of Tang Dynasty Village, Tang Dynasty steles and carved beams and painted and having an antique flavor Memorial archways were set up at the entrance of the village. The houses in the village were repaired according to the architectural style of the Tang Dynasty. At the initial stage, the door plates and courtyards were repaired first, and then the houses were gradually repaired according to the conditions. Street shops are arranged in accordance with the Tang Dynasty style, including restaurants, flower shops, bookstores, schools, four treasures of study calligraphy and painting shops, food shops, traditional Chinese medicine shops, grocery stores, handicraft shops, Tang Dynasty clothing stores, inns (hotels), Yamen(government offices in old China,county courts) and other shops and departments, as well as street vendors (played by local police patrols), stalls for snacks, shaving, shoe repair, miscellaneous arts, and other activities. People carry out a comprehensive reproduction and layout design based on Tang Dynasty clothing, including clothing, food, housing, and transportation.

第3部分:2023-2-《美丽乡村再设计》- 附图3 1949年 中华人民共和国成立

第3部分:2023-2-《美丽乡村再设计》- 附图3 1949年 中华人民共和国成立 Part 3: 2023-2- "Beautiful Rural Redesign" - Attached Figure 3: The founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 例如20号村,被授予为新中国成立展示村,则在村口设立中华人民共和国成立时代的石碑和雕梁画栋气势恢弘的牌楼。 1.村里的房屋按照1949年的建筑风格修缮,初期先修门牌,房屋根据条件以后再逐步修缮。 2.附近村庄的街道店铺可以按照1958年大跃进的风格进行布置。 各个村落园区的管理者(本地村民)按照当时的年代服饰着装,街道布置有餐馆、老式照相馆、花店、书店、食品店,杂货铺(相当于现代的小五金店),客栈旅店、村公所等店铺和门店,还有小吃、理发、修鞋、走街串巷的货郎(当地片警巡警扮演)、杂艺、快板二胡说唱等摊位。包括衣食住行等进行全方位再现布置设计。 3.集体的力量--人民公社的典型:河南省漯河市临颍县城关镇南街村。 在中国现有的经济体制下,南街村,这个“特立独行”的共产村,引起广泛的关注。进到南街村里,仿佛回到了上个世纪的人民公社。在这里实行高度集体制,企业、工厂、粮仓、医院、学校等等全都是集体所有。在这里上学不要花一分钱,从幼儿园到大学都不需要自己出学费,全都是村里集体供给。 For example, Village 20, awarded as the exhibition village for the founding of the People's Republic of China, will set up stone tablets and carved beams and painted and magnificent momentum Memorial archway at the entrance of the village. 1. The houses in the village were renovated in accordance with the architectural style of 1949. Initially, the door signs were repaired first, and the houses were gradually renovated according to the conditions. 2. Street shops in nearby villages can be arranged in the style of the 1958 Great Leap Forward. The managers (local villagers) of each village park were dressed according to the clothes of the time, and the streets were equipped with restaurants, old style photo studios, flower shops, bookstores, food stores, grocery stores (equivalent to modern hardware stores), inns, hotels, village offices and other stores and stores, as well as stalls for snacks, haircuts, shoes repair, street going traders (played by local police patrolmen), miscellaneous arts, clapper erhu rap and other stalls. Conduct a comprehensive reproduction layout design, including clothing, food, housing, and transportation. 3. Collective power -- Typical of People's Commune: Nanjie Village, Chengguan Town, Linying County, Luohe City, Henan Province.. Under the current economic system in China, Nanjie Village, a "unique" communist village, has attracted widespread attention. Entering Nanjie Village, it is like returning to the people's commune of the last century. Here, a highly collective system is implemented, with enterprises, factories, granaries, hospitals, schools, and so on all collectively owned. Don't spend a penny studying here. From kindergarten to university, you don't need to pay your own tuition fees, it's all provided by the village collective.

第4部分:2023-2-《美丽乡村再设计》- 附图4 2050年星际旅行

第4部分:2023-2-《美丽乡村再设计》- 附图4 2050年星际旅行 Part 4: 2023-2- "Beautiful Rural Redesign" - Attached Figure 4: 2050 Star Trek 例如21号村,是展示人类《未来世界》的设计,展现现代化的先进科学技术等,欢迎乡镇企业加盟并参与设计。 例如22号村,是展示人类《星际旅行》的设计,需要结合国家科技发展方向,向着航空航天等高科技领域,进行“颠覆性、前瞻性、可实践性、可实施性”的创新设计,在“生命”、“基因”、“医学”、“疾病”、“康复”以及在“能源”、“动力”、“航空”、“航天”和“外太空探索”等方面进行探索性研究的展示。 For example:Village 21 is a design that showcases humanity's "Future World" and modern advanced science and technology,township enterprises are welcome to join and participate in the design. For example, Village 22 is a design showcasing human interstellar travel, which requires innovative designs that are disruptive, forward-looking, practical, and implementable in high-tech fields such as aerospace, in line with the direction of national scientific and technological development. In areas such as "life", "genes", "medicine", "disease", "rehabilitation", as well as in "energy", "power", "aviation" The exhibition of Exploratory research in "aerospace" and "outer space exploration".


设计感悟: 技术成熟度 8.5分 Technical maturity 8.5分 因地制宜,节俭办事; 社会实践,德体兼备。 纵观历史,谈古论今; 科学先行,稳步发展。 土地公有,个体经营; 集体领导,依靠家庭。 恢复生态,造福人类; 美丽乡村,和谐宜居。 Design insights : Adapt to local conditions and act frugally; Social practice, both moral and physical. Throughout history, discuss the past and present; Science takes the lead and steadily develops. Public ownership of land and individual management; Collective leadership, relying on family. Restore ecology and benefit humanity; Beautiful countryside, harmonious and livable.


设计亮点: 1、《美丽乡村再设计规划》不同于其它类型的“特色小镇”、“美丽乡村”等设计,也不同于“影视城”、“特色旅游”等设计。 2、本设计规划的选址不是“山清水秀”、“风景如画”、“交通便利”的旅游景点,而是中国西部的沙漠化、沙漠边沿等地区的农村。 Design highlights: 1. The Redesign Plan for Beautiful Countryside is different from other types of designs such as "characteristic towns" and "beautiful villages", as well as from designs such as "film and television cities" and "characteristic tourism". 2. The location planned in this design is not a tourist attraction with "picturesque mountains and waters", "picturesque scenery", or "convenient transportation", but rather a rural area in western China's desertification and desert edges. 规划亮点: 1.再现历史风貌: 依据现有乡镇分布的各个自然村落建立以历史年代为背景的“时代村”,进行跨时代历史溯源再现设计,从原始社会、夏、商、周、秦、汉 … … 唐、宋、元、明、清、中华民国、新中国,再到未来世界、星际旅行等,每个村落表现不同的历史时代,在村口设立所表现年代的石碑和牌楼,村里进行适当的修缮改造成为历史时代村,本着投资少,见效快的方式设计规划,所有建筑设计是在原有民房基础上进行简单修饰,主要是恢复和展示历史年代风貌。结合当地的民俗、民风、故事等进行设计,体现出人类社会发展的进步趋势。结合学工、学农、爱国主义教育、国防教育等教育环节,逐步建成适合中小学生、大学生和旅游者参观学习的“历史、地理、生物、生态保护”等方面的实践教育基地。几个乡镇合作,扩大为几十个村,年代可以再细分展示。 2.吸引社会力量: 有计划地组织这些来到农村的学生、旅游者进行义务劳动,将人们和家禽、牲畜的天然有机肥料通过肩挑扁担、手推独轮车,或通过管道(沟池)等方式输送到沙漠前沿阵地,以“田”字格的方式有规划地埋入沙土中,沿着绿地向着西部沙漠方向推进,恢复生态,保护环境,建设和恢复美丽的乡村。 “有人气的地方,就有灵气、有生机。” Planning highlights: 1. Reproduction of historical features: based on the existing natural villages distributed in towns and villages, establish a "Time Village" with historical years as the background, and carry out cross era historical tracing and reproduction design, from the Primitive Society, Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties … … Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic of China, New China, and then to the Future World and Star Trek, each village represents a different historical era. Stones and archways representing the era are set up at the entrance of the village, and the village is appropriately renovated and transformed into a historical era village. The design and planning are carried out in a way that requires less investment and quick results. All architectural designs are simply modified based on the original residential buildings, Mainly aimed at restoring and showcasing the historical era and style. Design based on local folk customs, customs, stories, etc., reflecting the progressive trend of human social development. Gradually build practical education bases suitable for primary and secondary school students, college students, and tourists to visit and learn about "history, geography, biology, and ecological protection and so on" by combining education links such as studying engineering, agriculture, patriotism, and national defense. The cooperation between several townships has been expanded to dozens of villages, and the era can be further subdivided and displayed. 2. Attracting social forces: Organize these students and tourists who come to rural areas to engage in voluntary labor in a planned manner, transport natural organic fertilizers from people, poultry, and livestock to the forefront of the desert through shoulder carrying poles, wheelbarrows, or pipelines (ditches and ponds), and plan to bury them in the sandy soil in a "field" manner, advancing along the green land towards the western desert direction, restoring ecology and protecting the environment, Build and restore beautiful countryside. Where there is popularity, there is spirituality and vitality.







