《朝鲜半岛38线和平设计》————38线国际贸易城、兄弟体育场、和平之手、和平门等 为了朝鲜半岛的和平统一与世界和平而创作


2023/04/24 17:40


申报类别:方案设计 - 建筑设计
项目名称:《朝鲜半岛38线和平设计》————38线国际贸易城、兄弟体育场、和平之手、和平门等 为了朝鲜半岛的和平统一与世界和平而创作

2023 WORLD HABITAT 朝鲜半岛38线 No.1 Peace Gate + Trade City

第1部分: 《38线国际贸易商城 The 38th Parallel International Trade City》 1. 38线国际贸易商城,象征性地坐落在38线上,国贸城是多层结构的大楼,大楼南北两侧为通道,东西两侧为38线。 2.大楼南北各有三个民俗风格的礼门,两侧礼门分别为“兄弟门”和“姊妹门”,中间大门上面的匾额上写着“家”,表示兄弟姐妹们咱们就是一家人。 3.在每个礼门的两侧门柱上都有招财进宝的御兽麒麟,寓意看护着财宝,预示着财源滚滚。 4.南北大门正面墙面上有朝鲜国花金达莱和韩国国花木槿花。 5.国贸城东西两侧立墙为贯通南北的绿色通道墙,这个绿色通道墙上没有任何文字、没有任何图案,表示南北双方的和平统一势不可挡,任何阻力都微不足道。 6.两侧地标上标注“互通有无,和平统一”等标语。 7.国贸城两侧各有一个直升机停机坪,直升机作为应急救援及运送货物使用。注意,北方的停机坪图案为“日”字形,有多重含义,预示着蒸蒸日上,南侧停机坪图案为太极图案,预示和谐统一。 8.国贸城楼上的四个角楼建有民俗式凉亭,表示四面八方。 9.国贸城楼上有“日”字形图案,中间有多层金色宝塔,寓意日进斗金,经济上步步高。 10.国贸城楼的四个角上各有一个招财进宝的麒麟御兽,守护着朝鲜半岛蒸蒸日上的繁荣经济。 1. The 38th Parallel International Trade Mall, symbolically located on the Line 38th, is a multi-storey building with passages on the north and south sides and 38th line on the east and west sides. 2. There are three folk-custom doors in the north and south of the building. The two doors are "Brother Door" and "Sister Door" respectively. The plaque on the middle door reads "Home", indicating that brothers and sisters are one family. 3. On the doorposts on both sides of each ritual door are the royal beast kylin, which is meant to guard the treasure and indicate that the wealth is rolling. 4. On the front wall of the north and south gates are the Korean national flower rhododendron flower(Jindalai flower)and the Korean national flower hibiscus flower. 5. The walls on the east and west sides of the International Trade City are the green passage walls connecting the north and the south. There are no words or patterns on the green passage wall, which means that the peaceful reunification of the north and the south is unstoppable, and any resistance is negligible. 6. The landmarks on both sides are marked with slogans such as "exchange of needs, peaceful reunification". 7. There is a helipad on both sides of the International Trade City. The helicopter is used for emergency rescue and cargo transportation. Note that the pattern of the north apron is "sun", which has multiple meanings and indicates prosperity. The pattern of the south apron is Tai Chi, which indicates harmony and unity. 8. The four turrets on the upper floor of the International Trade City are built with folk- style pavilions, which represent all directions. 9. There is a "日、sun" shaped pattern on the International Trade City Tower, there are multiple layers of golden pagodas in the middle, the meaning is that earning large quantities of gold each day, economically, it is getting higher and higher. 10. On each of the four corners of the World Trade Center, there is a Kylin Royal Beast, which is used to attract money and treasure, guarding the booming economy of the Korean Peninsula.


朝鲜半岛本来是一家人,朝鲜半岛的38线人为地把朝鲜南北双方的同一个民族隔离开了。为了促进南北双方的相互理解与合作,为了促进朝鲜半岛的和平统一,为了世界和平,设计以38线为主题的《朝鲜半岛38线和平设计》方案,包括38线国际贸易商城、兄弟体育场、马拉松长跑体育走廊、双枪和平门和“和平之手”等。 通过体育运动、贸易交流等形式,促进朝鲜南北双方的交流与合作。尤其是在体育运动方面,朝鲜与韩国都是实力强劲的国家,通过交流与合作可以促进半岛的团结与稳定。 我们不知道朝鲜半岛何时能统一,但是我们可以拿起手中的笔,去设计、去规划、去感染、去感悟,去努力! 我们要让38线成为过去的历史。美好的明天就在眼前。 The Korean Peninsula was originally a family, and the 38 Parallel on the peninsula artificially separated the same ethnic group from both North and South Korea.The plan of the "The 38th Parallel Peace Design on the Korean Peninsula" aims to promote the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula through sports, trade exchanges, and other forms, and is designed for the sake of world peace. 1 The 38th Parallel International Trade City 38线国际贸易商城 2 Peace Hands 和平之手 3 The 38th Parallel Brothers Stadium、Marathon Sports Corridor 38线兄弟体育场、马拉松体育走廊 4 Peace Gate 和平门 5 The International entertainment city 国际娱乐城 6 The 38th viaduct for easy access 便利通行的38高架通道 7 The 38th Parallel back to hometown 38线回故乡之路 8 The lost 38th lines, let it become the past and history 消失的38线,让它成为过去和历史 9 Peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula 朝鲜半岛和平统一 10 World Peace 世界和平

2023 WORLD HABITAT 朝鲜半岛38线 No.2 Peace Gate + Trade City + Hands

第2部分: 《38线和平之手 The 38th Parallel Peace Hands》 位于朝鲜半岛38线的“和平门”前面有一双黄色皮肤的双手合一交叉的“一双手”,表示南北双方是一个人的左右两只手,合在一起就是“一个人”,实际上朝鲜南北双方就是一家人。 In front of the "Peace Gate" located on the 38th Parallel of the Korean Peninsula, there is a pair of yellow skinned hands intersecting together, indicating that the north and south are the left and right hands of one person,together, they are "one person". In fact, the north and south of Korea are one family.

2023 WORLD HABITAT 朝鲜半岛38线 No.3 Peace Gate + Stadium 1

第3部分: 《38线兄弟体育场 The 38th Parallel Brothers Stadium》 38线作为南北交流与合作的纽带,为了和平统一,让38线成为过去的历史。 1.38兄弟体育场坐落在38线上,南北双方朝鲜与韩国都是热爱和平、热爱生活的国家,有着相同的民族风情,在亚洲乃至世界上都是体育强国,尤其是足球,是南北双方的体育强项。设计38线兄弟体育场的目的是为了促进南北双方的交流与合作,并欢迎世界各国人民的到来。 2.在设计方案中,体育看台上几种文字的横幅“38线兄弟体育场”,左侧是红色38字体,右侧是绿色38字体,表示由红色的战争隔阂变为绿色的和睦,其中用中文,英文和朝鲜语进行展示,在其中还镶嵌两幅彩色花朵,一幅是北方朝鲜的国花金达莱,一幅是南方韩国的国花木槿花。 3.在体育场里象征性地摆放着一幅巨型广告牌“期待世界杯”。 4.38兄弟体育场两侧建有地上和地下停车场及一些商业景点。 As a link of North-South exchanges and cooperation, the 38th Parallel has become the history of the past for the sake of peaceful reunification. 1. The 38th Parallel Brothers Stadium is located on the 38th line. North and South Korea both love peace and life, and share the same national customs. It is a sports power in Asia and the world, especially football, which is the strength of both sides. The 38th Parallel Brothers Stadium is specially designed to promote exchanges and cooperation between the North and the South, and to welcome people from all over the world. 2. In the design scheme, the banner " The 38th Parallel Brother Stadium" in several words on the sports stand, with red38 font on the left and green 38 font on the right, represents the change from red war estrangement to green harmony, which is displayed in Chinese, English and Korean, and is also inlaid with two colored flowers, one is the national flower of North Korea, rhododendron(Jindalai flower), and the other is the national flower of South Korea, hibiscus. 3. A huge billboard "Looking forward to the World Cup" is placed symbolically in the stadium. 4. There are aboveground and underground parking lots and some commercial attractions on both sides of the 38th Parallel Brother Stadium.

2023 WORLD HABITAT 朝鲜半岛38线 No.4 Peace Gate + Stadium 2

第4部分: 《和平门(标志性建筑之一) Peace Gate》 和平门由两支枪相对组成,两支枪管螺旋式拧在一起,枪头上面站有一只----和平鸽,表示不要战争,期望和平。 The Peace Gate is one of the landmark buildings. The Peace Gate is composed of two guns opposite each other. The two gun barrels are screwed together, and there is a peace dove standing on the head of the gun, which means not to fight, but to hope for peace.


《朝鲜半岛38线和平设计》——朝鲜半岛38线兄弟体育场、和平门、和平之手和国际贸易城等。 目的是为了朝鲜半岛的和平与统一,为了世界的和平而创作。 为了世界和平,我们设计工作者拿起手中的笔,去设计,去努力! Project Design: Peace Design of the 38th Parallel of the Korean Peninsula. Purpose: To create for the peace and unity of the Korean Peninsula and for the peace of the world. Understanding: For the sake of world peace, we designers pick up the pens in our hands, design, and work hard!


朝鲜半岛南北双方本是一家人。38线人为地把南北双方同一个民族隔离开了,为了半岛的稳定与世界和平,为了促进南北双方相互理解与合作,特设计以38线为主题的38线国际贸易商城、38线兄弟体育场、马拉松长跑体育走廊、和平门、和平之手等。 1.理解作品所需的文化背景:目前在38线南北各2公里范围内,除了铁丝网、地雷区和同是一个民族的而又对峙的双方军队,没有居民区。将硝烟战场变成和谐一家亲的绿色家园,是任何一位爱好和平人士的愿望! 2.《朝鲜半岛38线和平设计》方案的目的是希望能逐渐地减少对峙、减少雷区,将潜在的无人区战场变成和谐的、风景如画的自然保护区,促进自然环境生态的平衡发展。当朝鲜半岛的人们来到和谐的、风景如画的38线自然保护区,会有一种油然而生的思念之情,那是我的家乡。 3.当来到38线国际贸易商城会有回家的感觉,到家了。 4.当来到38线兄弟体育场、马拉松长跑体育走廊会迸发出活力动感,展现“无畏的体育精神”。 5.当看到和平门、和平之手等会由衷地产生亲情之感,我们是兄弟,是一家人。 通过体育、贸易交流等形式促进南北方的交流与合作。特别是在足球运动方面,朝鲜和韩国都是竞技水平比较强的国家,通过交流,可以促进朝鲜半岛的和谐与稳定,为世界和平做出贡献。 The North and South sides of the Korean Peninsula were originally one family. The 38th Parallel has artificially isolated the same ethnic group from the north and south. In order to maintain stability on the peninsula and promote world peace, and to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between the north and south, the 38th Parallel International Trade Mall, The 38th Parallel Brothers Stadium, the Marathon long- distance sports corridor, the Peace Gate, the Peace Hands and so on,are specially designed with the theme of the 38th Parallel. 1. Understanding the cultural background required for the work: Currently, within 2 kilometers north and south of the 38th Parallel , there are no residential areas except for barbed wire, landmine areas, and the opposing armies of the same ethnic group. It is the wish of any peace loving person to turn the battlefield of gunpowder into a harmonious and friendly green home! 2. The purpose of the "Peace Design for the 38th Parallel of the Korean Peninsula" plan is to gradually reduce confrontation and minefields, transform potential unmanned areas into harmonious and picturesque nature reserves, and promote balanced development of the natural environment and ecology. When people from the Korean Peninsula come to the harmonious and picturesque the 38th Parallel Nature Reserve, they will feel a natural longing for my hometown. 3. When you arrive at the 38th international trade mall, you will feel like you're home. 4. When you come to the 38th Brother Stadium and the Marathon Long Distance Sports Corridor, you will naturally feel a sense of upward movement, demonstrating a "fearless sports spirit". 5. When we see the Gate of Peace, the Hand of Peace, etc., we will naturally feel a sense of kinship and longing.We are brothers and a family. Promote exchanges and cooperation between the north and south through sports, trade exchanges, and other forms.Especially in football, North Korea and South Korea are relatively strong countries. Through communication, it can promote harmony and stability on the Korean Peninsula and contribute to world peace.







