2023/04/06 15:11浏览量
1847容纳多重丰富互动关系的‘城市客厅’ ©刘敏玲
改造任务 | Brief
A ramp leading to the underground parking, ventilation boxes and miscellaneous elements scattered on site had given the impression that the site is disorderly. Thus the design has to find ways to articulate these existing element, so what was scattered would be reformed and regroup into a system with hierachy, in order to transform this existing, redundant courtyard into a glamorous entrance plaza with intimate garden space.
改造前场地原貌 | 摄影:甘力
属性定位 | Identification
Considering the extreme dry and windy climate of Beijing, to maintain a large amount of vegetation in the plaza would be costly and in-efficient, thus the design concept would put emphasis on creating a hardscape tech-plaza instead of a greenery park.
基于小院于周边环境的关系,它的空间属性不应该是开放的“市政公园”,而更应该是成为一种“户外围合空间(outdoor room)” —— 即小院的空间应该是立体的,而不是一个扁平的场域;一个能够容纳多重丰富互动关系的‘城市客厅’。
Based on the relationship with the surrounding context, the guideline approach of the design has taken the idea of an ‘outdoor room’, so instead of being a pure landscape ‘surface’ or a city park, this courtyard acts much more like an urban ‘foyer’ that houses a variety of dynamic event.
作为一个办公大楼的前院,它的功能并不是一个完全开放的公共空间,而具有一定程度的私密性需求。因此布局并不需要过多的停留式的休闲空间,而应更加注重观赏性,以及短暂的,快速通过空间时的浏览体验。因此在推敲的过程中我们为项目设定了三个主要的观察视角 —— 远观、入局和近看。
Being a office front-yard, the property of this space cannot be defined as a public open park, but more like a semi-private courtyard. Thus it doesn’t require much space for leisure and habitation and instead, the design should focus on the temporal experience when visitor journey through. Thus the design will focus mainly on three perspectives - from distance, approaching and close up.
远观 — 背景画 | From Distance - Visual Backdrop
A strategy of “thicken facade” is utilized so the original surrounding border that encloses the site would be transformed into a double-layered wall system, consist of ‘backdrop’ and the ‘front layer’. The ‘backdrop’ follows the existing rectilinear outline and forms a solid background, the ‘front layer’ on the other hand will be transformed into a vibrating “painting scroll”. From the lobby, this ‘backdrop’ will create a significant visual contrast with the existing context behind it.
入局 — 融入画中 | Approaching - Submerging into Virtual Reality
What the design intended to achieve is a type of surreal space which will allow the visitor to gain the sense that he/she is submerging into a layer of virtual reality. In other word, when engaging with the space, the dynamic form and fluidity of layout will give the essence that this place is both real but virtual in the same time.
近看 — 舞动的边界 | Close up - Resonating Boundary
The movement and configuration of the painting scroll will reflect the intensity of activities across the site. For example, in less intensive areas where less activities take place, the outline of the facade would be comparatively flat; whereas in places where pedestrian event and interaction is more frequent, then the level of ‘vibration’ would be more intense. So up close, it will feel like as if the boundary of the courtyard is resonating with our movement.
概念分析图 (左)画卷平面根据活动密集度进行摆动(右)画卷轮廓划分前后景层次©中天建中
类型学创新 | Typological Innovation
Metal strip fence with a wave decorative pattern is a very common element that can be seen everywhere in the city of Beijing. Another purpose of our design is to challenge this common understanding of the typology of fence in this city. Where the idea of a fence is no longer just a linear barrier which separate inside and outside, but it can be a much more vibrant threshold that may engage with the environment and interact with pedestrian movement, event and urban space through its fluid form.
护栏的纹理变化,展现背后的绿植装饰 ©中天建中、刘敏玲
With such arrangement, visual layering and hierarchy would be established, greenery and vegetation will be differentiated into ‘backdrop’ and ‘front objects’ base on their positioning on site. So as the observer move through the space, the appearance of the ‘painting scroll’ will go through constant transformation base on observer's viewing orientation.
场所性营造 | Forming Place
A strap of concrete ‘ribbon’ will weave across the site, and wrap around the existing ramp, hence generating a sense of movement that will disrupt the rigid order that the site originally possess.
根据不同区域的活动需求,这道纽带会在240㎜、400㎜和900㎜三个高度之间变化。240mm为踢脚,400㎜为座椅,900㎜则是供烟灰缸嵌入的景观台面;它既可以是山水画卷墙体的基座,也可以是车库入口的围挡,还可以是包裹场地中大型排风口的装饰面 —— 设计通过一体化的曲线语言,将三种不同的物件属性融合在一个统一的建构元素当中。
Base on requirements of various events, this ribbon will vary in height, between 240㎜、400㎜and 900㎜. 240㎜ will act as footing and skirting, 400㎜ as seating and when raise to 900㎜ it will then provide volume that encloses trashcan, ashtrays and etc. The ribbon can be seen as the plinth for the ‘painting scroll’, or its form may ascend and wrap around objects so it becomes decorative cladding. Thus elements that were scattered on site will be organist and unified into one integrated system.
A set ‘islands’ situated on the southeast part of the site will form a barrier that will prevent vehicle movement but allow pedestrian to penetrate through. The shape of these two blockade are carefully designed so they would acquire outstanding visual feature, and appear as two ‘pebbles’ seating on dynamic waves. In the same time, their outline will form a series of enclosed spatial ‘pockets’ that may contain temporal habitation and events.