Luis Ribeiro在艾景奖第九届国际园林景观规划设计大会演讲
Luis Ribeiro
1983到1987年,里斯本科技大学,高级农科院,景观学位. 1997年在葡美基金会赞助下完成的美国马萨诸塞大学景观与区域规划学院博士学位。1988年合伙创立TOPIARIS事务所,承接了不同地域环境下的大尺度项目,如:里斯本都市圈的Tajus线性公园, Angola的M’Banza Congo总体大区规划 (2013),and “Citè de La Democratie”景观设计, 利伯维尔, 加篷.他在历史园林修复方面也是专家。从1989年至今在里斯本大学高级农业景观学院授课内容为:景观理论、规划与设计。他是景观研究中心的共同创立人。并且目前是里斯本大学研究生院院长。他已经被国际很多高校邀请演讲,有马萨诸塞大学, 圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉大学,加利西亚大学, 捷克大学, “绿化区域景观设计” 米兰大学,热那亚大学.Luis Ribeiro是葡萄牙景观建筑师协会成员,也是葡萄牙绿道协会创始人之一。从1987年至今发表多篇文章再欧洲,美国,韩国和中国。
2.2011年,通过绿道规划设计改善小城市竞争: Vila-Franca-de-Xira 项目研究, 里斯本城市圈区域, 波尔图. 中国风景园林杂志, 03, vol,27/183,pp 50-54
3. 2010通过绿道规划设计改善小城市竞争: Vila-Franca-de-Xira 项目研究, 里斯本城市圈区域, 波尔图, 2010年Fábos景观绿道规划会议.
4. 2007年. 以空间概念为工具执行景观保护策略.第七届IALE全球会议:生态景观25年:实践中的科学原则。
5. 2006年. 在景观与城市规划,Elsevier,76, pp 79-97,景观质量的娱乐与维护:在葡萄牙的五个案例研究。
6. 1997年. 历史文化资源:加强在大都市地区景观绿道网的保护. 书籍在不断扩大的城市世界环境的挑战和新兴的信息技术的作用
Degree in Landscape Architecture, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (1983-1987). In
1997 defends his PhD dissertation, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, University of
Massachusetts, USA, sponsored by Luso-American Foundation.
He is a founding partner of TOPIARIS (1988), coordinating large scale projects in different geographical contexts, such
as the Tajus Linear Park in Lisbon Metropolitan Area, the Municipal Master plan for M’Banza Congo in Angola (2013),
and landscape design projects for the “Citè de La Democratie”, Libreville, Gabon. He is also an expert in historical
gardens restauration.
He teaches landscape theory, planning and design, since 1989, as a faculty member in Landscape Architecture
Department of Instituto Superior de Agronomia, University of Lisbon. He is a co-founder of the Research Center for
Landscape Architecture and is currently the director of the Master Degree, University of Lisbon. He has been an
invited lecturer in University of Massachusetts, Escuela Gallega del Paisaje / Fundación Juana de Veja (University of
Santiago de Compostela / Universidade da Galicia), Czech University of Life Sciences, and in the master “Design of
green areas and landscape” (University of Milan / University of Genoa).
Luis Ribeiro is a member the Portuguese Association of Landscape Architects and a co-founder of the Portuguese
Greenways Association. He publishes, since 1987, in several journals in Europe, USA, South Korea and China.
Selected published articles on referee journals and proceedings:
Ribeiro, L., Barão, T., Viana, C., 2013. Exploring the significance of greenway concept, to assist landscape planning
and design: contributions to theory from African, Asian and European case studies. Fábos et al (Eds). 2013.
Proceedings of Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 2013:Pathways to Sustainability.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, April 12-13, 2013
Ribeiro, L. e Barão, T., 2011. Improving Small Cities Competitiveness through Greenway Planning and Design: Vila-
Franca-de-Xira case study, Lisboa Metropolitan Area, Portugal. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 03, vol,27/183,
pp 50-54
Ribeiro, L. e Barão, T., 2010. Improving Small Cities Competitiveness through Greenway Planning and Design: Vila-
Franca-de-Xira case study, Lisboa Metropolitan Area, Portugal, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway
Planning 2010. University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional
Planning and Corvinus University of Budapest,. Budapest 8-11. July
Ribeiro, L. e Barão, T., 2007. Spatial Concepts as vehicles to communicate landscape conservation strategies. In:
Bunce, R.G.H., Jongman, R.H.G., Hojas L. and Weel S. (Eds) 2007. 25 years of Landscape Ecology: Scientific
Principles in Practice. Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress 8-12 July Waggeningen, The Netherlands,
IALE Publication series 4
Ribeiro, L. e Barao, M., 2006. Greenways for recreation and maintenance of landscape quality: five case studies in
Portugal. Landscape and Urban Planning, Elsevier, 76, pp 79-97
Ribeiro, L. 1997. Historical and Cultural Resources: Strengthening a Greenway Network for Landscape Conservation
in Metropolitan Areas. In: João R. Machado and Jack Ahern. Environmental Challenges in an Expanding Urban
World and the Role of Emerging Information Technologies. CNIG: 441-453

